ACMPE Fellowship

Steps to the FACMPE Credential

Business plan proposals & submission deadlines

Fellows are thought leaders within healthcare organizations and should be able to demonstrate the ability to execute on dynamic solutions to business problems. In that spirit, we have phased out the professional paper submission and implemented the submission of innovative business plan. We believe this move will better support our Fellows to concretely demonstrate practical skills to current and potential employers.

The ACMPE Fellowship Submission Committee accepts submissions for review throughout the year. However, to be recognized as a new Fellow at the Convocation held in conjunction with the MGMA Annual Conference, you must submit your final business plan for review no later than the deadline established each year (usually submit business plan proposal by end of May with final business plan due end of July.  Check MGMA website for exact dates.) You have two years from the date of application acceptance to submit your business plan. Otherwise, your application and progress will expire.

Click Here For More Information About Fellowship


The ACMPE Scholarship Fund Inc. (SFI) is a program that supports individuals who, by virtue of experience, current position and future career plans, demonstrate potential to contribute to MGMA's mission of transforming healthcare.


Grant Eligibility

You must be board certified through the ACMPE and interested in Fellowship to apply. Applications will be considered if the following grant eligibility requirements are met:

  • Current resume
  • Two reference letters that pertain to your application and signed by the referee
  • Currently working in medical practice management
  • Board Certified through ACMPE
  • Enrolled or seeking enrollment in the FACMPE

Grant to be applied to professional development and continuing education through attendance at conference, workshops and seminars sponsored by nationally recognized professional associations or accredited colleges or universities, or by pursuing a course of relevant study at an accredited college or university.

Click Here For More Information
About Fellowship Grants



Click here for FAQs regarding Board Certification


Your North Carolina MGMA ACMPE Forum Representative

For questions about ACMPE and how to get started on the path to certification, contact:

 Michelle L. Wallace, FACMPE
ACMPE Forum Representative
[email protected]
(336) 714-3544'