ACMPE Exam & Registration


ACMPE board certification examinations determine if you have knowledge of the principles of medical practice administration and the application of those principles to real-life healthcare situations and scenarios in addition to how to successfully manage all aspects of a medical practice.

Before registering for an exam, you must:

*Those who have not yet completed their education and experience requirements may not register for the scenario-based exam.

Each examination is created to assess your current level of knowledge in the six Body of Knowledge domains with our exam competencies that define the scope of responsibility of medical practice executives.  Click here for information on how to register for exams.

The testing formats include:

  • Multiple choice — Registration fee: $165
    A 175-item test taken within three hours and 15 minutes. This exam assesses your knowledge of group practice management principles and practices as described in the Body of Knowledge for Medical Practice Management.
  • Scenario — Registration fee: $165 (Open to those with validated education/experience requirements.)  A two-hour test with 90 items of multi-select, multiple choice, short answer, or drag and drop questions pertaining to 18-25 practice administration scenarios. This exam assesses in-depth knowledge of medical practice management principles and issues, problem-solving and decision-making skills.



Exam results indicate whether you passed the exam. Only a passing result is recorded on your ACMPE transcript.

  • Results for each exam are accessible through a secure, online portal after your examination, and onsite after exam completion. You will receive additional instructions on accessing the portal once the results are available.  
  • If you do not pass an examination, you will receive related feedback with your results portal. Exam results are independent of another; you must only retake the exam(s) that you did not pass. You may retake either of the exams until you pass, but they must be repurchased each time.

For information on exam scoring, click here.


Click Here to View ACMPE Board Certification Examinations Guide

Click Here to View Examinations Guide (PDF)


Exam Competencies

Based on The Body of Knowledge for Medical Practice Management – 3rd Edition, the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) exam competencies can help you assess your current level of knowledge in the six domains that define the scope of responsibility of medical practice executives.

Each section focuses on a different domain and includes a list of tasks for consideration.

Operations Management

  • Design and implement a process improvement program
  • Analyze, develop, implement and provide feedback on the strategic plan
  • Evaluate present needs, forecast future needs and locate appropriate opportunities for purchasing and asset management
  • Develop, adapt and maintain facilities to provide safe environment
  • Identify, select and utilize outsourced business services and external expertise
  • Identify, develop and manage information technology
  • Indicate your current level of knowledge by checking the appropriate box.
  • Develop and manage communications, marketing and community relations plans
  • Establish, communicate, implement and maintain productivity and compensation benchmarks for physicians and staff
  • Monitor physician conduct and performance expectations with the practice's governing body

Financial Management

  • Develop, implement and manage the revenue cycle
  • Manage Cash Flow
  • Manage accounts payable
  • Manage the payroll system
  • Create and manage budgets

Human Resource Management

  • Create, implement and manage a staffing plan
  • Direct and manage the retention of clinical and nonclinical staff
  • Manage systems, processes and structure for training and development of clinical and nonclinical staff
  • Develop, coordinate and implement staff compensation and benefit plans
  • Evaluate the performance of staff

Organizational Governance

  • Facilitate the corporate legal structure and   governance for the organization
  • Integrate the corporate mission, vision and values statement into the organization's culture


Patient-Centered Care

  • Provide an environment to create, implement and maintain care coordination processes that lead to the best patient outcome
  • Design, implement and maintain quality initiatives and measurement activities


Risk Management

  • Create, implement and maintain a risk management plan to provide a safe environment
  • Develop, implement and maintain policies and procedures to prevent or minimize the impact of adverse events
  • Develop, implement and maintain a compliance program for federal and state laws and regulations
  • Comply with necessary accreditation and licensure requirements



Your North Carolina MGMA ACMPE Forum Representative

For questions about ACMPE and how to get started on the path to certification, contact:

 Michelle L. Wallace, FACMPE
ACMPE Forum Representative
[email protected]
(336) 714-3544'